Helen Sarantopoulos

Long Walk Home

I’m a Big Heart Club Member

I have pledged to choose love over hate to show people experiencing homelessness that they are not alone.

Thank you for your overwhelming support! Over $2k raised!

So yesterday it happened! I walked over 30 kilometres - 50,000+ steps. The first 18 kilometres were relatively easy, but the last 10 I was really starting to feel the pain and the final 3kms were quite the slog. I couldn't have made it to the finish line without my two walking companions and I am eternally grateful that they agreed to join me. We were blessed with excellent walking weather; partly cloudy with temperatures in the low twenties. Between the three of us we managed to raise nearly $4,000 for this very worthwhile charity. 

At the start line, it was a great gathering of fellow travellers with a welcome speech by Wayside ambassador, Claudia Karvan who grew up in Kings Cross and has been involved with Wayside for the last 17 years. 

In spite of the crawl to the finish line, the next day I am feeling fine, apart from a few blisters, and even managed to do 15,000 steps today. 

I can't wait to do it all again next year - yay! 

Massive thanks! 🙏🏼💙

Huge thanks to all who have donated 🙏🏼💙 I’ve increased my target to $2000. With just over a week to go, this should be achievable 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 Currently I’m at $1500 so keep you posted! Check out the link to the donations page to see what your donations will provide to a homeless person. 

Support my 28km Long Walk Home to Help People in Crisis

Every week, a person sleeping rough on our streets has to walk 28km to find shelter or a place to sleep.

Please sponsor my challenge to support the most vulnerable people in our community.

Every step I take and every dollar you help us raise will deliver love, support and assistance to those in crisis. Thank you.

So far I helped deliver:


care packs


home-cooked meals


days crisis accommodation

…to people sleeping rough on our streets or in crisis.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


V And B



Awesome Helen! Congrats


Angela Boulougouris

Good luck on your walk


Jocelyne Grognard


Sharon Swanson

Good luck and good on you Helen xxx



Go Helen!


Matched Donation


Catriona Taylor


Padma Raman

Go well Helen - great cause!


Edwina Throsby

Go Helen!


Matched Donation


Peter Wilkinson


Alison Cave


Kathy Kerestes

A wonderful cause, Helen! you can be proud of yourself!


Maria Lomis

Well done Helen! What an excellent achievement.


Mark Mulligan

Great cause Helen. See you tomorrow!


Matched Donation


Matt Davidson

Hey Helen, great cause.


Jim Tsihlis

Great work


Matched Donation


Sophie Cotsis

Congratulations Helen. This will help so many families doing it tough. Love your work ♥️♥️


Bruce Geyer

Good for you Helen. Keep walking!


Matched Donation


Serita Vari


Matched Donation


Anastasia Christou

Get walking!!! Well done, great challenge...great cause


Matched Donation


Sonia Copelo

Great cause! Good on you Helen.


Helen Sarantopoulos


Matched Donation


Isabel Samayoa


Michael Uricher

Well done, Helen!


Tomoko Takahata


Brad Powe


Matched Donation


Christina Sarantopoulos


Matched Donation


Frederic Beseme

My first Donation


Matched Donation


Roulla Barn

Nice work Helen - enjoy the walk!


Maree Cavallaro




Tim C


Matched Donation


Alma Pepe

Good on you, Helen!!!


Antonia Cirson

Great work Helen x


Silvia Vasco

Well done, Helen!


Danielle Elvy


Sophia Higgins

Good on you, Helen! 😀



All the best! I'd definitely come along next year.



Congratulations on a great cause!


Maria Elena Sanchez

What a great initiative, Helen!


Joanna Mavris


Ida Harsojo



You are amazing!


Jack Perry

Bravo Helen! Brilliant work.


Victoria Galouzis


Matched Donation




Matched Donation


M. A.

Great initiative, Helen.


Ida Harsojo


Franzine Prentice


Dina Galouzis


Matched Donation