Jack Durack

Long Walk Home

I Choose Love Over Hate

I have pledged to choose love over hate to show people experiencing homelessness that they are not alone.

But for the grace…

I’m doing this walk with my daughter Tess because I know I have been lucky in my life. Just  a few bad breaks could have made it very different and seen me homeless like so many unlucky people. I’m also doing it because of the generosity of homeless people who, mistaking me in my old clothes for one of them, have given me advice about where to get a handout.
And I’m doing it because my darling daughter Tess asked me to….

Support my 28km Long Walk Home to Help People in Crisis

Every week, a person sleeping rough on our streets has to walk 28km to find shelter or a place to sleep.

Please sponsor my challenge to support the most vulnerable people in our community.

Every step I take and every dollar you help us raise will deliver love, support and assistance to those in crisis. Thank you.

So far I helped deliver:


care packs


home-cooked meals


days crisis accommodation

…to people sleeping rough on our streets or in crisis.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


James & Karen

Jack and Tessa, Karen and I joined Chris and Mel Selby and completed this walk about 3 or 4 years ago. It is a long trek but has interesting places on the way. I am sure you will complete comfortably it if you pace yourselves. It is for a wonderful institution to keep doing its great work. Good on you both for participating.


Jack Durack


Peter (soy)


Peter Cameron