Charles Hyson

Long Walk Home

I Choose Love Over Hate

I have pledged to choose love over hate to show people experiencing homelessness that they are not alone.

Support my 28km Long Walk Home to Help People in Crisis

Every week, a person sleeping rough on our streets has to walk 28km to find shelter or a place to sleep.

Please sponsor my challenge to support the most vulnerable people in our community.

Every step I take and every dollar you help us raise will deliver love, support and assistance to those in crisis. Thank you.

So far I helped deliver:


care packs


home-cooked meals


days crisis accommodation

…to people sleeping rough on our streets or in crisis.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michael D'costa

Good on you. Thank you for choosing and helping a good cause. God bless you. Keep up the good work. Love Michael & Bridget


David Thatcher

Good Luck Charles, your a good man donating your time and effort to help what looks like a great charity.


Rebecca Hyson

So proud of you, bro. ❤️🥰


Revathi Hyson



Charles Hyson


Con Xegas


Michael Rego



Good luck Charles! Such a good cause, your efforts will be truly appreciated.



Good luck Charles with your charity walk.


Dimitra Nicholson

Best of luck Charles


Liana Scarpin

What a great and wonderful thing you are doing xx




Linda Graham



Good Luck Charles for a great cause mate


Onesmus Mumbe

Good work keep it up